„Doctor through the eyes of a child” drawing contest
- 2834 просмотра
Are you a pupil who perceives the world in colors? Do you think that people in white robes have the role of saviors or, on the contrary, they induce fear? Do you want to become a doctor, pharmacist, or nurse in the future? Participate in the second edition of the drawing contest "Doctor through the Eyes of a Child"!
Put the images in a drawing, a painting or a collage, in which you will depict memorable moments, perhaps as a result of a visit to a doctor or a stay in a hospital, or just unleash your imagination.
Between April 7 and June 7, 2022, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova organizes the drawing contest "Doctor through the Eyes of a Child", the second edition, for students of grades I-XII of the country’s primary and secondary education institutions.
The aim of the competition is to promote the professions of doctor, pharmacist or nurse, stimulating and capitalizing on the creativity and talent of children.
The contest will be organized for three age categories, for each being envisaged three winning places:
- Primary education (grades I-IV);
- Secondary education (grades V-IX);
- High school education (grades X-XII).
In this sense, we urge you to make an individual drawing on a paper or canvas support, A4 or A3 format. Feel free to choose any drawing technique: pencil, crayons, watercolor, gouache, etc. At the bottom of the page, on the right side, indicate: the title of the creation, the personal data of the participant (first and last name, high school / school and grade). On the back, write down your contact information: phone number or email address.
In order to participate in the contest, send your work until June 7 through the post office, to Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 165, Stephen Cel Mare si Sfant bd, Chisinau, MD-2004, with the mention: "Doctor through the Eyes of a Child" drawing contest.
The works can also be presented in person, children being accompanied by an adult, at the Nicolae Testemitanu University headquarters, Central Teaching Building (165 Ștefan cel Mare şi Sfânt bd), 1st floor, office 117.
The drawings will be judged by a jury, and the nine prizes will be awarded to the winners on the eve of the Medical Worker and Pharmacist Day, traditionally held on the third day of Saturday in June. All participants in the contest will be mentioned with certificates, and the winners will be appreciated with diplomas, books and products of Nicolae Testemitanu University brand.
All the students' works will be exhibited in the framework of a thematic exhibition, which will be opened on the occasion of Medical Worker and Pharmacist Day in the Central Teaching Building of Nicolae Testemitanu University, and will end with the completion of the admission process to Nicolae Testemitanu University (September 2022).
At the same time, an online gallery of the works will be created, which will be placed both on the University website (https://usmf.md) and on the Facebook and Instagram pages of the institution (https: // www .facebook.com/usmf.md/). The most ingenious drawings will be selected for various projects as illustrative material: banners, greeting cards on the occasion of professional days, World Health Promotion and Disease Control Days, etc. In all cases, the copyright will be respected, indicating the name and surname of the author and the educational institution.
You can find more details in the Contest Rules. Regulamentul concursului.
For additional information call: 022 205 235.
The banner is inspired by the drawing "Doctor - Protector of Health", made by Cristina Botezatu from "Nicolae Moisei" School of Fine Arts, Telenesti, winner of the "Nicolae Testemitanu" University Rector's Special Prize in "Doctor through the Eyes of a Child" contest, 2019 edition.
Preluarea informației de pe site-ul USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu” poate fi efectuată doar cu indicarea obligatorie a sursei și a linkului direct accesat pe www.usmf.md.